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Current Projects

Red Duke Strategies, a service-disabled, Veteran-owned small business, enhances the lives of Veterans and their families as trusted VA strategy advisors. We collaborate with the VA to bridge technology needs among the Department of Defense, Veterans Affairs, and national security agencies, integrating dynamic innovations from the startup world.

PHNPO Data Integration Project

Climate change has already had quantifiable impacts on human health, especially for vulnerable populations with preexisting conditions. Data shows that rates of certain infectious diseases, such as malaria and Lyme disease, are already increasing, heat waves are exacerbating chronic health conditions like asthma and other respiratory illnesses, and natural disasters are becoming more frequent and deadlier, contributing to a growing mental health crisis in the U.S. As such, climate change is already contributing to and worsening many chronic health conditions prevalent among Veterans. It is less clear where these health impacts will be felt, and by whom. This is the problem Red Duke Strategies (RDS) seeks to solve. 

In keeping with its mission of improving the lives of Veterans and their families by bringing innovation into the systems that support them, Red Duke Strategies is collaborating with the Veterans Health Administration’s (VHA) Public Health National Program Office (PHNPO) to develop new data innovation strategies to help discern how climate change will impact Veterans’ health, both now and in the future. By combining the VHA’s extensive health and demographic data with climate data, RDS will work with the PHNPO to develop new data analytics to understand which populations are most vulnerable to adverse health outcomes from climate change and where and how they are affected. This groundbreaking approach to climate and health will give the VHA the information it needs to proactively allocate resources, develop patient-centered interventions and policies to address these health challenges, and contribute to better health outcomes for our nation’s Veterans.

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VSO Engagement Project


Veteran Service Organizations (VSOs) represent the greatest aggregators of Veteran needs and priorities across the country. A handful of nonprofits represent, through direct membership, millions of Veterans, many of which are not engaged with VA. To maximize the impact and reach of new healthcare innovations, as well as ensure they are targeted at the right problems at the right times, it is crucial that OHIL collaborate with VSOs to secure the social, financial, and/or legislative support essential to executing their mission on improving Veteran care.


RDS supports OHIL through managing and executing on a strategic engagement and communications plan to more closely align OHIL priorities with VSO priorities, identify areas of collaboration and partnership with the VSO community, and direct ideal communications channels and products to engage with the VSO audience.

Pathfinder Project

VA Pathfinder currently serves as VA’s front door for innovators and vendors to navigate and work with VA to share their ideas, products, or services. This tool utilizes a backend management process to route submissions to relevant VA subject matter experts, contracting teams, and program leaders for review, thereby creating an equitable and timely approach to bringing the best that industry has to offer to help serve the Veteran population. 


Red Duke Strategies provides management, coordination, solutions, and analytical support for VA Pathfinder’s Innovation track. To that end, RDS manages and engages with innovation submissions, coordinates the back-end review process, and facilitates stakeholder engagement, among other services. Additionally, upon VHA request, RDS evaluates innovation submissions for feasibility and coordinates their implementation. RDS is proud to be at the forefront of bringing innovative solutions to help our nation’s veterans. 

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OAMOP Project

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The VA’s Office of Advanced Manufacturing (OAM) is housed under the Office of Healthcare Innovation and Learning (OHIL). OAM is using advanced manufacturing tools, such as 3D printing, to bring medical device innovation and manufacturing back onto VA soil, so that Veterans are first in line to receive new products and service innovations. 

In pursuit of OAM’s goals, Red Duke Strategies is the prime on a project to develop a transtibial (below-knee) socket for Veteran amputees that can be digitally designed and 3D printed across the VA enterprise. The project is focused on developing the workforce, software, hardware, training, and implementation systems necessary to revolutionize how prosthetic sockets are designed and produced. The ultimate goal is to provide VA prosthetists and clinicians with the tools to offer cutting edge sockets and care to our nation’s Veterans, fully designed and produced within the VA enterprise. This will ensure that VA patients have both a higher standard of care, and more access to that care. Alongside a cast of other subject matter experts, Red Duke Strategies has worked closely with teams at the VA Puget Sound Healthcare System, with facilities at Fort Lawton and Vancouver, Washington. 

Stardust Project

Red Duke Strategies (RDS) has partnered with Stardust, a technology company focused on solar radiation management, to provide climate mitigation solutions to key U.S. government stakeholders, such as the U.S. Department of Defense and the U.S. Department of Energy. Both team members will bring extensive backgrounds in science and technology to reduce the effects of climate change. RDS will bring extensive knowledge of the U.S. government system, opportunities, and connections to open doors and provide strategic guidance. The Red Duke strategies team includes access key stakeholders in U.S. climate and security spaces and will work to enhance Stardust’s engagement with the U.S. market. 

Stardust prioritizes comprehensive research and development, including de-risking, global collaboration, environmental responsibility, and ethical governance. Stardust aims to engage with the increased interest in SRM technology by international stakeholders, using their backgrounds in science and technology to mitigate the immediate effects of climate change safely and responsibly.  As Stardust aims to enter the U.S. market, RDS is coming alongside them to connect them with the right people, organizations, and marketing strategies to enable their success.


This partnership commenced in December 2023, and will include milestones such as landscape and risk analysis, a communication strategy, alongside stakeholder engagement and feasibility studies. If you are interested in learning more about how RDS and Stardust plan to reflect heat and solar radiation into space, please contact Jeremy Mathis, Natalle Cawston, or Abigail Ulman.


Red Duke Strategies, LLC.

1313 Merchant Ln
Mc Lean, Virginia 22101

© 2023 Red Duke Strategies, LLC. All rights reserved

DUNS:09-298-0059 / NAIC:541611 CAGE: 7HPR9

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