Dr. Charles Liu
Clinical Advisor
Dr Liu is a neurosurgeon and engineer who works at the intersection of these two fields to develop transformative strategies to restore function to the nervous system. He received his BSE in chemical engineering at University of Michigan and his PhD in chemical/bioengineering at Rice University before attending medical school at Yale. He completed his neurosurgery training at USC. He is currently professor of neurological surgery, neurology, psychiatry, urology, biokinesiology/physical therapy, and biomedical engineering at USC. He is the Director of the USC Neurorestoration Center. In addition, he is the Chief of Innovation and Research at Rancho Los Amigos National Rehabilitation Center. He also leads the USC Epilepsy Care Consortium, a unique partnership of 10 comprehensive epilepsy centers that seeks to integrate care for millions of patients across the southern and central California. He has had leadership roles in a large number of public and private health care systems. He has had a long-standing appointment on the faculty of Caltech. His work has been published extensively in the peer-reviewed literature, including in high-impact journals such as Science, The Lancet, Nature-Biomedical Engineering, and Nature-Neuroscience. He has made numerous visitorships and delivered key-note addresses worldwide. He has been very active on the editorial boards of numerous journals, including Neurosurgery and World Neurosurgery, and he has just stepped down as Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Clinical Neuroscience. His work has also been featured in local, national, and international print, online, and broadcast media. In addition, he serves as the principal neurosurgery consultant to the NCAA USC Trojans, the neurotrauma consultant to the Rose Bowl Game, and as a UNC to the NFL Los Angeles Chargers.